
If you like the website, please consider donating. This will help us cover the costs of the servers and allow us to keep it running for free and without ads.

Donators - About

$1 Donation

Your name and a link to your profile will be added to this page.

$5 Donation

Your name, your profile picture, a link to your profile, and a link to whatever you would like to advertise (your Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch or any other website!) will be added to this page.

$10 Donation

Your name, your profile picture, a link to your profile, and a link to whatever you would like to advertise (your Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch or any other website!) will be added to this page.
We will send you a cool postcard signed by the 2 developers :)

You're a Pokémon Trainer.

With this special status, a lovely blue heart will be displayed next to your profile picture on your profile and everywhere it appears on the website.

$25 Donation

Your name, your profile picture, a link to your profile, and a link to whatever you would like to advertise (your Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch or any other website!) will be added to this page.
We will send you a cool postcard signed by the 2 developers :)

You're a Pokémon Trainer.

With this special status, a lovely blue heart will be displayed next to your profile picture on your profile and everywhere it appears on the website.

We will send you a personalized keyring!

$50 Donation

Your name, your profile picture, a link to your profile, and a link to whatever you would like to advertise (your Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch or any other website!) will be added to this page.
We will send you a cool postcard signed by the 2 developers :)

You're a Super Pokémon Trainer.

With this special status, a lovely pink heart will be displayed next to your profile picture on your profile and everywhere it appears on the website.

We will send you a T-shirt!

$100 Donation

Your name, your profile picture, a link to your profile, and a link to whatever you would like to advertise (your Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch or any other website!) will be added to this page.
We will send you a cool postcard signed by the 2 developers :)

You're a Expert Pokémon Trainer.

With this special status, a lovely shiny Silver heart will be displayed next to your profile picture on your profile and everywhere it appears on the website.

We will send you a T-shirt!
x3 We will send you 3 personalized keyrings!

$500 Donation

Your name, your profile picture, a link to your profile, and a link to whatever you would like to advertise (your Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch or any other website!) will be added to the HOMEPAGE!
We will send you a cool postcard signed by the 2 developers :)

You're a Pokémon Master.

With this special status, a lovely shiny Gold heart will be displayed next to your profile picture on your profile and everywhere it appears on the website.

We will send you a T-shirt!
x9 We will send you 9 personalized keyrings!
We will discuss then implement a feature you would like to see on the website. You decide what you want, and we will make it come true! Note that it has to be in the range of our abilities and in accordance with the spirit of the website ^_^

$800 Donation

Your name, your profile picture, a link to your profile, and a link to whatever you would like to advertise (your Twitter, Tumblr, Twitch or any other website!) will be added to the HOMEPAGE!
We will send you a cool postcard signed by the 2 developers :)

You're the Ultimate Pokémon Master.

You decide who will be the character shown by default on top of the homepage.

With this special status, a lovely shiny Gold heart will be displayed next to your profile picture on your profile and everywhere it appears on the website.

We will send you a T-shirt!
x9 We will send you 9 personalized keyrings!

Donators 1